As Humans, We Are Bound To This Earth By Gravity - We Do Not Fly - And, We Do Not Swim For Long
The Question : "How am I to provide for my family when I am poor?" ... Why am I so poor ... always ? Why are so many of us living in hardship?

Traditionally, it is the state who determines your level of wealth.

Concentration of richness has established that 0.7% of the global population controls 41 trillion dollars (nearly 3 times the total US debt).

Perhaps, this is an illusion. It may be that I am too optimistic or idealistic.
But, surely, it is simple logic, is it not?
When I arrived here ... when I was born ... was it not realistic that I have inherited this Earth upon which I shall dwell ... that I have been gifted with land and resources ... that I shall become a good steward ... to be always thankful ... and, not to be greedy or careless?
And, if I should live out my life within these stewardship boundaries; is it not, likewise, reasonable that I may leave this life here at the end of my days having tended my allotted resources with good conscience; and, shall witness that my family will, with similar respect, continue this ethic ... and, that this good Earth would replenish itself for a very long time to come?
IF I cannot fly; and, I am to live on the land; then, is it not reasonable that - at my birth - I am to be provided with land and resources for sustinence and shelter; through which my labour shall produce goods and services; by which I may enter into trade with others?
I do not see regulations governing the territories for other animals ... Birds do not have birth certificates; nor do we tax their nesting areas.

As a species, we do attempt to accomodate others ... to recognize that the bear shall have habitat; that the fish shall migrate and spawn ... we do not interfere with others needlessly ... until their practices impose upon our territory.